Jun 07, 2006 11:56

I hate my job. I hate it so much. It sucks, it doesn't pay's STUPID!

I'm on call 1 -5 from M onday through Wednsday. Which means at 1:15pm on those days I call and see if they need me. If they do i go in if day is free. It sucks. Monday and Tuesday. I ended up making plans with my friend so I had two great days ........... Wednsday...that day comes when I need to get something done.....and I get called in!
This fucking sucks!
I got so frustrated that i started to cry in the shower.
It's odd how when I need the day off there is no one else to call.....but when I'm on call.....Yep "You gotta come in"

I hate this job.
My life...just......Blows..
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