"I can't take my eyes off of you"

Apr 05, 2005 23:52

Watched my FAVORITE movie again today = 50 First Dates! AGH Love!

Packed up a LOT of my stuff. Mom and I are coming back for it this weekend.
Sat at the lake with the girls which was nice.
Relaxin' until the evening hours when two AWESOME things happened.
1. Got to watch a movie with my roomies. AWESOME movie (closer) AWESOME roomies. It was a bonding moment.
2. I GOT THE JOB I INTERVIEWED for on Monday. When I leave school I will bo going to work at JC Penny. I'm excited about it! I can finally feel...useful. A job. A REAL job. No more campus job! UGH. Believe it or not I have a really great work ethic.....when I have a REAL job. This means my mom won't be on my back! Bryan will be working so i'll have somewhere to escape to.
DISCOUNT on towels.
and forks.
I can't wait!

Things will finally be able to come together. Little by little i'm reaching the goals I have in sight.
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