Billy hugs him back tight for a moment, then lets go.
"For now..."
He waves his hands in short movements and brings out a small globe. He shakes it and a scene forms. When he shakes his again, a different scene forms. He grins and holds it out to Harold.
"You can have this. These are images of places I have been, planets and dimensions and my home, even. If you get lonely, just shake it, and watch the images."
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." Harold takes the globe carefully and staaaares at it and shakes it gently. He "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"s again when the scene changes. "T'ANK LOTS!!"
Harold squeels. "BUNNNNNNNY!!!!" He picks the purple fuzzy up and dances around. "LOOK 'NOWBALL! BUNNY!!!" He grins and bounces up the stairs, talking to his new friend, with Snowball close behind. "I name you LI'AC! 'n you be dood bunny 'n you lif with me 'n 'nowball 'n pomise An' Vinya LOVE you.."
"Do you have friends here? Ones that are around and you can play with?"
He remembers his own childhood and aloneness.
He smiles a little at Snowball, too.
"I'm glad youy have people here. Sometimes I get lonely... but, I will come back, okay?"
He grins.
"Now that I know where here is, I can get back here... if that is okay with you?"
"For now..."
He waves his hands in short movements and brings out a small globe. He shakes it and a scene forms. When he shakes his again, a different scene forms. He grins and holds it out to Harold.
"You can have this. These are images of places I have been, planets and dimensions and my home, even. If you get lonely, just shake it, and watch the images."
He grins again and slowly gets up, stretching.
He moves over to Hank and mutters another spell and easily lifts the man, well, easily hefts him, as he seems to almost float in Billy's hands.
"Be good to yourself, Harold."
He waves and heads toward the door.
After he leaves, a small purple bunny hops up to Harold and looks up at him. Guess who left a second present behind?
"I name you LI'AC! 'n you be dood bunny 'n you lif with me 'n 'nowball 'n pomise An' Vinya LOVE you.."
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