May 09, 2005 21:06
But thats a good thing u see. Im half half finished with all my assignments this semester it all very exciting. I had my first exam today, i think it went well, 20 questions worth 30 marks, were quite hard, localised knowledge was needed. then the last question was an essay worth 70, i think i nailed that one. i had just read the corresponding chapter in my book for it. then i went to bar zen, that may be the last time i visit the place until september, which is in a way sad, but so not in another. then i went shopping, sally came with and made my hopping list semi healthy, blech! got loadsa foo! whoop! then came back and tidied my room and did washing, double whoop. anyway i have work 2mo, which makes me want to be hit by a bus. not very good.
Buffy is good, english people pronouce it buff-y, american people pronounce it bu-ffy. wierd huh? i went to the christian science church 2day, wierd place. the man said that they believed in jesus' healing power and wanted to reunite the poeple with it, pah!
right well i have to go and eat and talk and smoke and watch buffy
Peace out.