Liam, the little engine that ran out of steam.

Apr 27, 2005 11:48

hey every1

well i woke up 2day in a daze, i had over slept by an hour and if i wanted to get the bus i needed to catch then i would have to have been at the bus stop in 4 minutes, needless to say that didnt happen. i got up, washed, very quickly, dressed, and broke my ginvenchy bottle, still usable but broken none the less. went to reception to see if my package wass here, it was. it had new trousers in it from mum. i got the bus after chatting to rosie, kelly, whatever u wanna call her. got to work late, walked in with the supervisor who was also late and then was taken over with by a feeling. i couldnt explain it, like a mix of sadness, frustration and hurt. so i thought i was gonna be fine, just kep my head down and make the day go as quick as poss. i was also not feeling too good anyways and had thought about calling in sick last night and it was a fleeting idea this morning as well. so there i was doing my work, trying not to talk because my voice was breaking, then there they were those fatal words, coming from a manager no less. "Are u sure ur ok?", que quivering lip and a half hearted attemp to busy myself, obviously she asked me to come out the back for a chat and boom, proper boom, i flood the fucking place. i cant believe how much i cried i still cant even really explain what it was that got me so down!

the management were really nice to me nd let me go home, on the way back i wanted to buy a book in borders i had my eye on last week and as i was walking past and it was open i thought i would get it. it was sold out, and not on the system anymore, yeah i almost cried then as well. then i went to uni in hope of seeing someone to cheer me up a little i found jill, the little engine that can, but she is powered by cigarettes and coffee, not coal. im meeting her at 1, which will be nice, thats only an hour away.

im in sublime this week in the vox pops bit, theres two photos of me, sarah, jill, simon and vanessa are in ti to, all making much more sense then what i said. vanessa looks so scarey in her photo, seriously dont mess with the little engine that will bust u up.

feeling quite drained at the mo, i think that my positive thinking has really helped during all this, i just needed an outlet for somethings still bugging me, no ones perfect. whoops im crying again. but...

i think i can
i think i can
i know i can

thanx for listening my pretties now do my bidding and bring me cigarettes and diet coke.
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