(no subject)

Dec 16, 2005 16:32

So...I've kinda fallen off the face of the virtual earth. I'm not sure if anyone notices though since just about everybody seems to be MIA pretty often lately.

Yesterday was my last day of work for 19 days...almost a month of vacation. That's probably the biggest bonus to working in a school; nice long Fall Breaks, Christmas breaks, Spring Breaks, etc. I have no idea what I plan to do with all this time, but above all else I must sleep. I have been barely surviving on 5 hours of sleep a night for the past month. I slept 9 hours last night and it was too wonderful. I envy those folks who can stay up all night partying. If I stay up all night I start hallucinating!

Next week is going to be so hectic. I have to finish Christmas shopping and getting the house ready for my family. My aunt and grandma are staying with me December 23-December 26. I'm doing pretty much all the holiday cooking, and then on Christmas Day I'm going to have 8-9 people to feed throughout the day. It's going to be a lot of fun I think; it's the first time I'm "running" Christmas myself in my own house. This also means if any one pisses me off I can kick them out. ;) The way my family has been arguing with each other lately, kicking someone out might not be too far from reality.

I honestly have nothing fascinating to say because well...nothing fascinating is happening. Perhaps something wild and crazy will happen during my holiday break - I highly doubt it though. *sigh*

Can I just say for the record how unbelievably sick I am of being single? Almost everyone I know is paired off and I really hate to sound like some bitter old maid, but it's starting to drive me a little nuts. It's especially tough around the holidays when all the girls I know are getting jewelry and doing all these couple-y Christmas things. I am glad however that the guy from work has backed off. He was starting to creep me out. Bleh!
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