Sep 30, 2008 17:06
So I heard about this 2d anime-ish side scrolling MMORPG called LaTale from one of my friends here on LJ, and I think it looks interesting. It's free, for the most part, which means it would be a good thing to play for short bursts in between WoW. I've got nothing to lose, so I figure I'll download the game, take it for a test drive. It's only a 552 meg file, after all.
Hrm.... Downloading 552 megs at 7k per second? That's awfully slow for my high-speed cable connection.... But what the hell, I'll leave it run over night, and worry about the speeds later.
Wake up in the morning, and it's about half finished, which is fine because I have other things to do. But when I get back to my computer, it's finished downloading! Yay! Except it stopped at 432, and apparently timed out. SUCK!