time to post. first off, i want to thank God for the wonderful family, friends, and weekend weather. i also want to thank Him for all the wonderful years of change and growth He's willed upon me for the past 24 years. secondly, i want to thank all of my beloved family members for calling me from near and far to wish me a happy birthday. rest assured, your wishes were not in vain. i had a wonderful, FUNDERFUL weekend!
saturday, i had a party along with my good friend mandy the divagoth. i woke up at 10ish and went with mandy's husband, hayes, to pick up some supplies and consumables for the party. we spent several hours beforehand getting things ready for the party. i spent a good couple of hours scrubbing clams to be steamed. they were delicious, i just thought you should know. by 4pm, the party had started and we were off having fun talking and hanging out. btw, the theme of the party was "gothic beach party", so i wore a pair of my "scary shorts" with the studs and the chains with a crazy hawiian shirt. it looked goofy, but it definitely fit the theme. my friend ben came all the way from albany to visit me. i was certainly glad to have him there. at the party, we talked, played some games, and spent a conciderable amount of time cutting open milk gallons full of water with swords and knives. everybody likes to cut things with swords, i guarantee it. by around 11, we all shipped off to vertex to hang out with those who couldn't attend the party due to work or other obligations. it was there that we unveiled the beach themed cake, which was absolutely delicious.
sunday, the fam had toaster struddles for breakfast before we all went to newsong for church. i was glad we could all go this weekend. afterwards, we came home and watched "toy story". mom made me two delicious coffee cakes for my birthday. one regular one and one with orange in it. my back was hurting me something fierce that day, so we just watched tv all day. a relaxing day all in all. i really enjoyed it.
well, that's the synopsis of what i did this weekend.