[OOC] Harry Potter AU Plotting Post

Sep 08, 2010 08:11

I've been not so good at inserting myself into stuff here, and I'm constantly behind, so I'm not sure how to go about putting Jim into the HP AU virus. I thought I'd ask if anyone I've interacted with was going to, because if we could plot together a little, that might make it easier on me (and I'd really appreciate it).

It might be cliche, but I'm figuring Jim is Gryffindor--in school, he was actually sort of Ravenclaw-y but we all know how he turned out. (Bonus: Shatner in high school.) I could see him on the Quiddich team, maybe as Chaser, but that's probably full-up. I also think Jim is full-blood but not at all prejudiced about it--he comes from a line of Hogwarts-alums but they're pretty level about these things.

So, anyone I know (or who's interested) want to work something out?

ooc, plotting post

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