Stuff & things...

Apr 27, 2010 23:10

...going on. My bank over-drafted my account. w/e.

My new job is the same job I've been trying to get for some 18 months now. I'm in sales (my 2nd specialty). The cool part is that I'm selling Electronic Cigarettes. This is a product I fully support. For some reason there are actual IDIOTS out there that think these are a bad thing. I can go a whole shift at work without having to go for a smoke break and let me just say that: yes, I am a heavy smoker. It feels hypercritical considering I still smoke cigarettes, however, not so much as before.

Anyway, I thought I'd share my script. After all this speed sales. I'm at a kiosk in the mall (not 300 feet from Lau @ Macy's as fate would have it.) trying to find that 1 in 100 person who will stop and listen.

"This is an Electronic Cigarette.
It feels and tastes just like a real cigarette, but there is no tobacco, no tar and no carcinogens.
It does have water vapor and nicotine, so you get your nicotine fix without the harmful chemicals.
It has no scent, no second hand smoke and it doesn't damage your lungs."

Then it goes on to say the different levels of nicotine that are available depending on how much you smoke.

I bought one about 18 months ago and loved it until it broke. There is an atomizer on the old models (like the one I got back then) that tends to stop working after a few weeks/months as mine did. What's nice is that there is an atomizer in every nicotine cartridge that is disposable every time you change cartridges (every day or 2)...and blah blah blah.

In my personal research, I've found that the only people who speak out against or discourage the use of E-cigarettes are people/companies that are directly linked to big tobacco...soooooooo, fuck them.

I love this product. After trying gum, timers, patches (that gave me nightmares BTW), will power and so on, this is the product that makes me feel free from the actual addiction. I still enjoy smoking a cigarette...but this is the first time I've felt like I'm not a slave to it. I feel like I'm part of something big now. Something good.

My life is getting better in a lot of ways.
Still waiting for the other shoe to drop, but in the meantime...I'm OK.
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