Jul 06, 2004 05:46
Name 3 Bad Habits You Have:
#1. making people mad easily
#2. over eating
#3. not sleeping (hence it is like 5:46 A.M.)
Name 2 Scents You Love:
#1. food
#2. you
Name 2 Things You Are Thinking About:
#1. my braces are hurting me
#2. why dont i sleep much?
Name 4 Things You've Done Today:
#1. played vice city
#2. kissed lindsay
#3. took my car to the dentist without my mom knowing
#4. ate at whataburger
Name the Last 4 Things You Bought:
#1. long john silvers
#2. whataburger
#3. gum
#4. DP
Name 3 Drinks You Regularly Drink:
#1. tea
#2. DP
#3. OJ
- C U R R E N T -
[ Clothes ] shorts and shirt
[ Current Music ] none
[ Taste ] whataburger
[ Make-up ] never
[ Hair ] normal
[ Annoyance] teeth hurt
[ Smell ] none
[ Desktop Picture ] Paul Booth art
[ Current Book you're reading ] n/a
[ Current CD in CD Player] Rage Agaist The Machine
[ Current DVD in player] the original House on Haunted Hill
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] normal
[ Current Refreshment ] DP
[ Current Worry ] i wonder if my mom knows i took the car out cos i just got inside and i can hear her in the kitchen.
- L A S T P E R S O N-
[ You Touched ] handshake ryan
[ You Talked to ] ernie
[ You Hugged ] lindsay
[ You Instant messaged ] ernie
[ You Yelled At ] mom
[ You Kissed ] lindsay
- F A V O R I T E -
[ Food ] a whatachicken' with jalepanos, bacon, and cheese, but with no tomatos
[ Drink ] DP
[ Color ] black
[ Album ] Rage self titled
[ Shoes ] Vans Bend
[Candy ] gum
[ Animal ] dog
[ TV Show ] poker tourny's, i can watch them for hours and hours
[ Movie ] Saving Private Ryan
[ Song ] Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd
[ Fruit ] apple?
[ Cartoon ] Family Guy
- A R E Y O U -
[ Understanding ] at times
[ Open-Minded ] depends
[ Arrogant ] yea
[ Insecure ] not at all
[ Interesting ] yeah
[ Random ] ph yes
[ Hungry ] always
[ Friendly ] yes
[ Smart ] sure
[ Moody] yeah, a lot accually
[ Childish ] nah, i dont think so
[ Hard working ] labor wise
[ Organized ] eeeeh somewhat
[ Healthy ] very
[ Emotionally Stable ] very much so
[ Difficult ] yes
[ Attractive ] NO!!!!
[ Easily Amused ] yes and no
[ Messy ] somewhat
[ Thirsty ] nah
[ Responsible ] depends on how important it is to me
[ Obsessed ] with?
[ Angry ] not a lot
[ Sad ] not in a while
[ Happy] its 6 in the morning now, no
[ Hyper ] earlier
[ Trusting ] when i need to be
-W H O D O Y O U W A N T T O -
[ Slap ] berek
[ Hug ] lindsay
[ Look Like ] i like me
[ Talk To Online ] lindsay, to see if she got into trouble
- W H O -
[makes u laugh the most? ] berek
[makes you smile] lindsay
[gives u a funny feeling when you see them ] nobody
[who do you have a crush on? ] no crush
[has a crush on you?] idk. who has a crush on me out there?
- D O Y O U E V E R -
[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. you?] not for that
[save aol/aim conversations] every single convo ive ever had has been saved
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex] i rather like my penis
[cry because of someone saying something to you] once...
- H A V E Y O U E V E R
[fallen for your best friend] no
[been rejected] no
[rejected] yes
[been cheated on] no
[done something you regret] yes
- D O Y O U -
[smoke cigarettes] no
[could you live without the computer?] no
[color your hair] no
[ever get off the computer] not since september of last year has my computer been off for more than 20 minutes
[how many peeps are on your buddylist? ] 76, i delete ALOT
[drink alcohol?] i have
[like watching sunrises or sunset] nah
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain? ] physical
[get involved with after school stuff] no more.
[make a fool out of yourself often?] prolly
- N U M B E R O F -
[Times i had my heart broken] never
[hearts i`ve broken] idk
[close friends i have] 3 or 4
[cds] like 20 burned and like 40 waiting to get burned