(no subject)

May 12, 2007 12:53

This is some bullshit right here

As a gamer I have to say that I am getting fed up with the way we get treated. We are not a bunch of deranged lunatics waiting for that last straw to snap our spines and send us into a brutal rampage. Most of us are just goofy people who never grew up all the way and still love to spend time playing games like Rampage. Personally, I think video games are a much healthier outlet for negative feelings than other forms of media. With music and TV you can observe the violence and it just stays with you, there's nowhere for it to go when you're done so it just circles around in your head. If you're pissed off and playing a game then guess what? There goes your aggression and negativity right there, but maybe it's just me (and every other gamer I talk to).
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