Oct 27, 2004 14:07
I have such great people to listen to my emotional rants! I was feeling really down last night, but now I feel much, much better after talking some of my issues through with a couple of friends. I feel like a lot of the trouble I've been having is through misunderstandings. People in Wisconsin don't know my background and don't know where I'm coming from and people in Connecticut don't realize how exactly I've changed because even I don't know how I've changed. Life is based on a lot of assumptions. It's hard to know where anyone is coming from if you don't know their background... and it's a pretty safe bet to say that no one truly knows why anyone feels the way they do. I realize that now, and hopefully it'll help me to get through any present and future crap that's going on in my life. To know I instigated drama is ridiculous, because I hate drama! Life is too short for this much worrying. I'm moving on.
I have the midterm from Hell tomorrow... but so much other stuff has been going on that I really am not worried. Strike that, I kind of ebb and flow with worry. It's difficult because the study sheet is really random and the TA says the test is not bad at all so then I'm fine. Then I realize... duh he is the TA of course it's easy for him and then I worry. Ha. But I honestly am starting to feel okay about it, I studied quite a bit the past two days, and will study more tonight for as much as I have to.
Tomorrow is going to be nice because my midterm is in the morning so I'll get it over with right away. Then I am going to Capitol square because Sen. John Kerry is coming and the musical guests are the Foo Fighters and Bruce Springsteen. I am so excited!!!!! I might not see John Kerry though because he won't go on til later, and I have class at 2:30 and it is imperative I don't miss it because I've already filled up my unexcused absences. However if I see Bruce Springsteen and the foo fighters, well that's not a loss at all. Then Jenny's mom and sister are coming and are taking us to dinner... that's super exciting for me because that will be an end to my week of Hell! If I have time I'm going to go watch Kary at dance team practice because they are filming and trying to get a free bid to the nationals. I love watching the dance team too, they are amazing!
We're carving pumpkins and roasting pumpkin seeds tonight for roundtable. It should be pretty exciting! I've decided that I'm not really going to do anything crazy this weekend, despite the craziness of Halloween in Madison. I'm going to a bday party Friday night for one of my lovely friends!! Then I might go to the BLC Saturday night with Elise? Unsure about that, we haven't talked about it really in a while (well maybe two nights ago haha). I hear my fellow Dead Poets Society members are having a meeting. How exciting, I wish I could be there to join in! Can I be the cave God? That'd be super nice! Remember these three pillars: Carpe Diem, Carpe Cavum... and most of all Carpe Assum.
Well I'm off to rest a bit while studying... hope everything is going well with everyone!