June Prompt - Face of your Muse

Jun 06, 2008 08:47

Explain why you picked a particular face for your muse. Did you ever consider anyone else? What makes them bring your muse to life?

When I created Meghan for a story I was writing I had a visual in my head of exactly what she looked like. I didn't have an actress/model in mind when I visualized her, she was her own creation. She was Meghan.

It wasn't until I decided to give her a voice in writing prompt communities that I had to search PBs. There are about six red heads out there that haven't been used to death for any female character that has red hair and to be honest none of them 'fit' for Meghan.

I had the television on as I looked through icon communities not really paying attention to it. I just happened to glance up and see Bridget Fonda. Younger Bridget with red hair instead of blonde and she was laughing. It was the angle of her head and the twinkle in her eye that clicked. That was Meghan. There is an impish quality to Meghan that very few see. She's not comfortable in social situations or with large crowds but get her with friends and family where she is comfortable and a different side comes out. It's not a perfect fit to what Meghan looks like in my head, but it's the closest representation of personality and looks.

When I write Meghan, I see 'story!Meghan' in my head, but 'PB!Meghan' is the face she shows to the world. It's a bit like Meghan herself. There's Meghan that her co-workers and others see, but there's also a Meghan that those closest to her see. The same but different.

Muse: Meghan Chapman
Fandom: Original
Word count: 260
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