Mar 18, 2008 12:48

All right, I think I have this tour bus on the road! (For ease of reading, I have deleted the previous mod post, but those of you who have commented to that don't need to do so again.)

Original Muses is now up and running. I will post a new set of prompts today. Please read the community userinfo! It contains information on new rules, new posting procedures, and other vital stuff.

The new OOC community (since the past one seems to have been suspended) is om_ooc. Click to join, and I will approve you as soon as possible.

Obviously, this is the new mod journal. You may wish to friend it, but it is not required. It will contain the taken muse list, mod contact post, application post and all sorts of other modly goodness.

Now the fun part -- the activity check. I know this comm has been dormant for awhile and some of you may have moved on, or just be too busy to continue. So:

Anyone who does not leave a comment to this post, or respond to a prompt, by March 31, will be REMOVED from the community. I will do a check sometime on March 31 and inactive muses will be removed.

Any questions? Comment here. Still alive? Comment here. You know the drill.

-- Mod 2.0
(crossposted to om_ooc)

mod post

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