Jun 28, 2007 18:30

So, because I am an ubernerd, I went to the ALA (American Library Association) conference last week and had a total blast! In a couple of days, my mom and I:
met Julie Andrews (Sound of Music? Mary Poppins?)
took pictures with Garrison Keillor
heard Ken Burns speak (and saw clips of his new 14-hr documentary of World War II, which isn't out till Sept)
heard Judy Blume speak, and she was so darn cute!
got to see a sneak peek of the new Anne Hathaway film, Becoming Jane
attended the premiere of Hollywood Librarian, which was about, what else, librarians
met a ton of authors, got autographed copies of their books for free
heard Lois Lowry read live from The Giver.

Next up: move stuff into the new place on King Street on Saturday, go visit John Paul in Atlanta Sunday, back to real life next Friday.
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