ficlet: H/D, prefect situations must go wrong

Apr 27, 2011 19:19

Title: perfect situations must go wrong
Author: original_lie
Rating: pg-13
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Summary: The sharp crack of Apparition was what propelled Harry into action. Harry was desperately trying to tell Draco something when the pesky blond turned tail and ran. Now Harry has to find him before it's too late.
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue, no profit is being made, no copyright violation intended. Based on characters created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc.
Warning: flangst, fluff
Length: 750+/-
A/N: written for hump_day101's Fluff prompt "the replacement". This is the sequel to until it disappears and then its gone. Oh, the fluff is rusty!

The sharp crack of Apparition was what propelled Harry into action. “Draco!” Harry’s voice was soft but in the silence of the flat it echoed off of the walls. Turning left and then right Harry reached for his wand that was buried somewhere in the couch cushions. “Shit. Fucking. Fuck.”

It took him a moment to locate the length of holly and phoenix feather but the moment he grasped it fully Harry found that determination settled over him. There were only so many places that Draco would have gone at such short notice.

* * *

In total it took Harry fifty minutes to locate Draco. Malfoy Manor had been his first port of call but Narcissa had assured him that Draco was not there and had not been in quite some time. Harry was almost sure that she had called out to him, reminding him of dinner on Sunday moments before he decided to try Parkinson’s. But the only thing he can concentrate on is finding Draco.

Parkinson wasn’t nearly as accommodating as Narcissa had been. It was true that there was no love lost between the two of them; even so they usually tried for Draco’s sake. It was clear enough by Parkinson’s reaction that their tentative truce was just that and without Draco around the claws were out.

“Find Draco, Potter. But be sure he won’t forgive you this time.” Parkinson had sneered before slamming the heavy door in his face.

In truth Harry could have tried every former Slytherin in his quest to find Draco, but there was something deep inside of him that told him he would not find his missing lover if he went door to door. Standing atop Primrose Hill Harry surveyed the view of Central London, he trudged down the incline before ducking behind one of the small trees.

Apparating to the top step Harry gripped the handrail when he overbalanced. “Draco, open the door,” he was louder than he intended to be, his knuckles landing awkwardly on the half opened door. “Shit.”

Letting himself in Harry hurried up the stairs and into the room at the end of the landing. Huddled in the window seat Harry spotted the shivering blond. “Draco, please?”

Shaking his head Draco pulled his feet up under him and wrapped his arms around his knees. “Don’t, just... don’t.”

Holding back the sigh that was almost desperate to be released Harry crossed the room in four quick strides and hauled Draco to his feet. “Harry, you brute! That hurts!”

“You’re not a replacement, you dolt.” Harry hissed, wrapping his arms around Draco and crushing him to his chest so that the finicky blond couldn’t slip away. “Why do you always fly off the handle and assume the worst? I’m not waiting for someone else, I’m not about to cast you aside.”

Holding his breath Harry pulled back enough so that he could look Draco in the eyes. “I wasn’t trying to say that and I have no idea where you got that idea from; I love you. THAT was what I was trying to tell you. I was telling you that after everything that I’ve been through - we’ve been through. The relationships that came before you that I, Harry James Potter, love you, Draco Lucius Malfoy.”

Draco had still to meet Harry’s eyes but his heaving chest didn’t bode well for Harry’s direct attempt. Finally the sigh seeped out from between Harry’s lips and he carefully gathered Draco in his arms. Easing their tangled bodies into the window seat Harry smoothed his hand over Draco’s hair before pressing a soft kiss to his temple, carefully Harry used two fingers to guide Draco’s head up so he could look his lover in the eyes.

“You love me?” Draco asked softly. His eyes were wrought with confusion but there was a spark of recognition in those silver depths that made Harry breathless for a brief moment. The spark ignited and Draco thumped his balled up fist against Harry’s shoulder. “You love me?! You utter numpty! Why couldn’t you have just said that instead of letting me fly off in a tizzy.”

Grinning in spite of Draco’s actions Harry leant forward and pressed a soft and fleeting kiss to Draco’s lips. “Yes, I love you. Yes, I’m slower than a wet week. But don’t forget that you love me too.”

Harry’s grin only widened when Draco’s mouth dropped open again to form a perfect ‘o’. Of course I know! But he didn’t tell Draco. It would be nice to hear it from Draco's own lips after all.

ficlet, pairing: harry/draco, challenge: humpday101

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