And the winner is...

Nov 13, 2006 13:50

Today I win the Thrasymachus* prize for being a complete and utter moron. Last night, since nowhere in Aber wants to sell me printer ink at the moment and I've run out, I e-mailed my portfolio to myself so I could print it out on campus after this morning's seminar. I checked that it had arrived last night, and checked again that it was still there this morning. Only when I logged onto the library computer did I realise that I'd sent myself the wrong document - just the story, not the whole portfolio. I therefore had to walk all the way down the hill in order to e-mail myself the right document, and then walk all the way back up to print it and hand it in. My brain plainly still thinks it's Reading Week.

*For everyone other than 87_degrees, Thrasymachus was the boy in our Ancient Greek GCSE textbook who went on lots of adventures through the underworld. He was exceedingly stupid and irritating and asked "why" a lot, and periodically people got cross with him and called him a "morotata", which is Ancient Greek for "complete and utter moron". So now you know!

portfolios, stupidity, uni

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