Yesterday was plainly a temporary mental aberration, since I'm perfectly fine today. But thank you to
croydonjohn for the concern :)
Knitting last night was good - I went up early to have dinner with Kath and Joy, which was lovely. We had pink mashed potatoes! (The boys they live with steal their milk, so they've taken to putting food colouring in it to make it look undrinkable - thus anything with milk in currently turns out pink!) And then we knitted and chatted and ate cake and laughed at Kath trying to get the hang of double-pointed needles. I shouldn't laugh, really, since I have to stop making scarves and actually do something complicated eventually! Gem came too, which was good, since I've now found a home through her for the first scarf of the term. I got the wool from the charity shop, and therefore couldn't buy more of the same when I ran out, so the scarf was somewhat truncated - kind of small-child sized. And Gem knows a small child (called Felicity) who might like it, so it has a home! The randomness of it appeals to me!
Work isn't going so well today, so I shall no doubt be working late again. Joyous. But it was necessary to go see Gem and have tea and get Season 2 of The West Wing and sign the book for her, and it was necessary to go do laundry, since the morons threw egg at me last night (I hate Halloween). And it was definitely necessary to take the books back to the library and collect the cave story (with comments) from my pigeonhole, since Dr Poetry apparently "loves" it, and thinks it's "original" and "very exciting"! But unfortunately none of that gets me any further with this stupid portfolio. Gah.