man, that was some fun in the desert. but it got me thinking about being so excited to hear these old-skool bands that i've recently seen (pixies, jane's, etc.), that i never got the chance to see back in the day. i remember being a teenager, seeing the popularity of revivals by the eagles and other bands like that and thinking "my music is cool, while all these old people are cheering for this dinosaur shit." so, now, am i the one cheering for dinosaur shit? and if so, is my dinosaur shit actually better?
i think that those thoughts came from a frustration with the fact that all these "dead" groups were making all the money and getting all the popularity and airplay, while what i considered to be "living" music was ignored by the commercial forces. it's the same frustration i feel in an academic context, where all of the research goes toward studying music made over 100 years ago, while modern music suffers.
but then, nowadays, it's all running together anyway. old and new, high and low. everything right is wrong again. composers only survive by working in film or electronica. classical will always have its place, as will classic rock. i don't lose sleep over this...i just keep trying to find new music that i like, while seeing the old acts play when i can. it's nice to be able to appreciate many different things. oh, and by the way, i actually like the eagles. but then, i like everything.
Jamie, visiting from Atlanta, trying to capture it all.
The Flaming Lips, increasing the madness with a man in a bubble crowd-walking. Ridiculous.