Chatter Post: Reminder, NaNoWriMo, and Writing Software

Nov 06, 2010 13:25

Hello all! We hope that your first month of Origfic Bingo (or your first few days of Origfic Bingo, for the new folks in the room--Hello, new folks!) has been fun and exciting and full of awesome!

One quick reminder: Amnesty Week (which runs until the end of the day tomorrow) is the only time that you will be able to request a new card this month without making a bingo. (You can, of course, ask for a new card after making a bingo at any time!) So, if you're looking to sign up, or to ditch your old card, or to post some things for Amnesty, please to do it soon!

That aside! It is November! Meaning that it is, of course, National Novel Writing Month! (I'd link to the site,, but they are apparently so overwhelmed they are loading an image of a cup of hot cocoa instead of the main page....) For those of you not in the know, NaNoWriMo is a yearly challenge where folks attempt to write a novel (50000 words) in one month. NaNoWriMo is an awesome way to push yourself as a writer, to see what and how much you can produce on a compressed time frame.

Good luck to all our 'wrimo-ers!

Related to 'wrimo, anyone in the market for some shiny writing software might want to check out the offer that Scrivener has going. Scrivener (Mac version, brandy new Windows version still in beta) has long been one of the most raved-about writing programs. Now that there's a Windows version, I've finally tried it out and concluded that I'd like to marry it. Check out the links for features and screenshots and whatnot. There are beta testing versions of the software for download and try out through the beginning of December. Also, those who sign up for and complete NaNoWriMo (ie, verify their 50000 words at the end of the month) will get a code for 50% off the full price of Scrivener. Pretty sweet deal! (Also, we have no affiliation with Scrivener other than as users, we make no money off this, we just think it might be of interest!)

Also, if Scrivener doesn't turn your organizational crank, but you want something fancier than Word or your favorite text editor, you might also want to check out some of these other programs for writers. I chronicled my trek through freeware and paid writing software for Windows here. The Scrivener site does much the same for Mac writing software and some other Windows programs, though they do hit upon some of the pricier options.

Anyway, ON TO THE CHATTERING. Are you doing NaNoWriMo? How's it going? Any software you love for writing and want to recommend? Mac or PC? Coffee or tea? Vanilla or chocolate?

!admin, !chatter

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