Very Important Messages (not really)

Oct 11, 2010 14:06

Firstly! The mods have discovered a grave disturbance in the Force injustice.

There is no "aliens" or "xenokink" or anything similar in the word lists.

We don't know how this happened. We are incredibly sorry for the oversight. The spacecats are very disappointed in us.

To attempt to rectify this travesty, we offer the following solution:

Feel free to substitute "aliens" or "xenokink" for any square on your card(s). These are also, of course, possibilities for use in the "wild card" middle square.

Once again, we apologize, and now return you to your regularly-scheduled afternoon.

Secondly! Just a reminder that you need to join the comm in order to see members-only posts (like, for instance, if anyone posts something under f-lock to the comm for privacy reasons.) I just mention because there's still a significant number of folks who are "watching" the comm but aren't members, and you'll miss out on some posted stuffs that way!

Thirdly! We kind of failed at being explicit about when signups would go from this month, so we've been handing out cards to whoever wants them. As of next month, though, we will only accept new signups during the first week of the month (ie, monthly signups will be during the same time as Amnesty). Keeping signups to a specific time is to both get you a card in a timely fashion and to condense the giving-out-of-cards to a discrete period for the mods.

Fourthly! We hope that you are having fun with your cards!


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