[Patti woke up to find a very
strange hat next to her, and for some reason she felt compelled to wear it instead of her own hat.
Not much long after, she felt the weirdest urge to wear a red shirt and overalls. A little while after that, she managed to find herself a fake mustache. Why is she wearing a fake mustache? Because it feels so right for some reason.
Patti, now dressed as ridiculous as possible, loudly proclaims:]
It’s-a me, Patti Thompson!
[And now all she can think about is saving princesses and beating up turtles for some reason. So she charges off to find some princesses to rescue from evil turtles! Around Vatheon, Patti will be doing one of the following:
A. Patti sees you as a princess! Doesn’t matter if you’re a guy or a girl, Patti is going to rescue you whether you want her to or not!
B. Patti sees you as some kind of Mario-related enemy of your choice! And she plans on fighting you - probably by trying to jump on your head.
C. Patti is jumping up and down on a pipe. Or anything vaguely pipe-shaped. Why isn’t she going down them…?]