Excuse for entry: am done with the the daily 5.5 hour chemistry blocks! wooh! New semester begins on Monday. In a minute I shall be off to bake cookies for Valentine's Day (without misgivings, for once). :)
Friday: Chem final - went well; probably safe to say an A. *whew* It is such a relief to finish that course... Evening after swim team practice: Mom's side tet dinner/celebration (ie: Lunar New Year) - the usual, although I had to leave early around 10pm to catch up on sleep. Energy required for the next day's big activities...
Saturday: the City of Commerce's 35th Annual Valentine swim meet! Got up at the crack of dawn for the long drive down in time for warm-ups. Everything went fabulously, despite the massive length of the competition and my consuming only one Powerbar + four bottles of water from 6:30am-4:30pm. Eating before/during meets does not make my stomach happy, so I refrain from any substantial amount of food...
Pool facilities = very good here to see a nice picture>
Events swam = 5 individual, 1 relay
New personal records = 5 -- finally reached my goal of breaking a minute in the 100 freestyle!
Awards = three 1st, two 2nd, one 1st place all-around for the girls' 15 & over age group - had my time been a split second faster, I could have done a full 1st place sweep; unfortunately, Chilan is still a wee bit out of shape. :P
Overall = my best meet ever. :) Also, it was nice to have some of my extended family there in the morning to support me. booyah!
Saturday night: Dad's side Tet celebration. The parents and I went straight from swim meet to Diamond Bar for the usual chaotic revelry. lol. I was in a rather zombified stupor from running/swimming around all day, but still found energy to have fun. We came late, but at least were in time for Li Xi money. muahaha! ;)
$5 profit playing blackjack w/ the cousins = more money to buy strawberry smoothies on campus. wooh! This is the only time of year the non-geezers play cards for money, and there are nice little profits to make from quarters if the betting is done well. haha. These New Year's get togethers are one of the best things about being Asian. Now if people would stop overestimating me and assuming I'm some brilliant child, it'd be nicer. lol.
Well, that was a relatively short overview of my weekend's activities (short compared to what I did, not necessarily about the length of the post). The rest of my life has been its normal hectic self. I'm still here, still alive, still surviving. Let's hope it stays that way...