(no subject)

Dec 23, 2006 12:02

hehe, so instead of writing belated Christmas cards and replying to messages, I am doing a survey! wooh.

Actually, I'm not sending out my regular cards this year - got out of school too late, wrist can't handle all the writing, motivation is rather lacking, and most people are ungrateful wretches how don't reply to or don't acknowledge getting personally written notes. Perhaps that sounds arrogant, as if a Christmas card from me is some sort of priviledge, but I'm just a bit tired of it... In any case, the people who I love the most [for me to bother writing to] should already know it without the annual card... aheh, and despite that tirade, I'm still sending a few cards/notes to a very select few.

How old do you feel:
- I've only experienced years zero through nineteenth and can't comment on older ages. So, it's a tad invalid to ask this question... but, to somewhat answer, it depends on how tired or sore I am. Sometimes I feel ooold. :P Sometimes I feel like a 14-year-old. Depends, really.

Where were you on September 11th, 2001:
- Piano lesson, then home.

What do you believe is the meaning of life:
- To fulfil whatever God wants of me... vague, yes - because I'm never 100% sure!

Why is the sky blue:
- I forgot the exact atmospheric reason, but in general because the UV light absorbed leaves only the blue color to be seen (as is the case with any colors we see).

What is your favorite thing to cook:
- I prefer baking!

You have only a dollar to your name...what do you buy:
- I'd get quarters to call my parents and get more money. :P

What would your last meal be:
- If "last meal" is refering to death, then I think I'd be more concerned with my mortality than my meals, at that point...

What is the youngest age you have memories of:
- About 4. Kindergarten @ Pasadena Christian School.

What is your favorite thing in the world:
- All I know is that it's NOT these vague, hard-to-answer questions.

Have you ever punched someone on purpose:
- Yep. Not hard though.

Did you like garbage pail kids:
- Who?

Why do we have daylight savings time:
- Something to do with solar cycles, lengths of days, and seasons...

What living person would you want to meet:
- *shrugs* Depends on what I get out of it. Meeting people just for the sake of meeting them is a tad pointless if we never meet again.

What dead person do you know:
- Knew? My dad's mother, and a few other people. I would think none of the people I know now are dead...

Where in the world would you live if you could:
- Location is irrelevent in comparison to WHO I'm living with. :)

Who is your favorite artist:
- *shrugs* I don't have favorites...

Who has had the most influence on you (good or bad):
- Family.

What is your favorite dessert:
- ooh, tough choice... stuff w/ certain types of chocolate, ice cream, cake, pie...

Do you know your personality type (the 16 type profiles):
- ummm... intuitive, judging, social, and something like that. I didn't pay attention.

What age is your favorite so far in your life:
- Numberwise, I liked 16 and 17 a lot, and 18 is pretty sweet. Otherwise, what matters is what I did, not my age.

Can you make cookies from scratch:
- Definitely! So long as I'm not growing my own wheat, churning my own butter, or crystallizing my own sugar. Gotta buy flour and all that stuff.

Was the chicken first or the egg:
- Chicken?

Hershey or Nestle:
- Nestle.

Night out or night in:
- Usually I'm in, doing work. Ideally, I'd be out having fun.

Single forever with a great family or no family and your soul mate:
- Ack. That's a tough call. As of life now, the former.

What is your favorite scented candle:
- Meh, not a big fan of artificial scents.

What type of underwear do you prefer:
- Not telling. :P

Do you ever wear a wife beater:
- Nah.

If you could live in a store which one would it be:
- Borders. They have a bathroom, lounge w/ comfy chairs, coffee shop, books, and bathroom nearby! All I could live on. :)

Can you eat a dozen donuts in one sitting:
- Gross. I wouldn't even try. You'd have to pay me a decent sum for that feat to occur.

What is your favorite curse word:
- I don't have favorites. Lately I've been saying "bugger", but that's not swearing.

your favorite regular word:
- Fun ones like exacerbate and tetraphenylcyclopentadienone. Also, ones that stand for good things...

Have you ever read/tried to read the Bible:
- Most definitely.

What is your ideal date:
- Anything fun/romantic. Depends in the guy, really. *wink*

Would you rather marry a deaf or blind person:
- Deaf, I think, but it's a tough call.

What is your favorite geometric shape:
- Never thought about it... as always, it depends on the purpose. A six or a seven membered ring, maybe. Do bicyclic systems count? Those are awesome.

Can you eat just one chip:
- Not really. It's easier to eat none.

Where is the farthest you've ever been from home:
- With family: East Coast. Alone: Colorado!

What is your desktop background:
- Currently, a nice picture of one of the buildings at UCLA.

Which movie do you wish was your life:
- None! I might like some characterists of a person or a story, but I'd not want to change my own life.

Has someone ever intentionally put food on you:
- Not that I recall.

What color do you feel represents you:
- wth?

Do you believe in God:
- Most definitely.

Have you ever shut someone's fingers in a door:
- Nope.

Would you rather be honest/poor or a liar/rich:
- That depends on how the word "liar" is being used. Everyone lies, but does that make them liars? Or do they have to be serious, chronic liards to count?

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten and hated:
- Weird body parts of animals... Mushy stuff...

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten and liked:
- Weird body parts of animals... Cooked, of course.

What is your ideal ice cream creation:
- Nonfat, but no taste/consistency difference. :P

If you could marry someone from a movie (the character not actor) then who:
- No idea - nothing comes to mind right now. Besides, literary characters are better.

What is the longest you've gone without talking to anyone:
- About a day.

What is your favorite board game:
- RISK, Monopoly.

Do you know how to change a tire:
- Er, no. But I do know how to get help.

Would you consider yourself a geek:
- More a nerd than geek. :)

What movie could you watch over and over again:
- *shrugs* I watched a ton of Harry Potter in August/September when I first got it, but don't know if I'd still like it as much now.

Have you ever gone to the bathroom in front of someone:
- Yup.

What is your ideal Halloween costume:
- My birthday suit. 'cause it's my birthday. (ahah, kidding!) Anything that makes me look good. :P

What toy have you always wanted and never gotten:
- *shrugs*

What item could you not go without during the day:
- um, clothes?

Do you consider yourself a smart person:
- Eh... Over the average, but below the notably brilliant. (Or the notably over-acheiving students who study too much. There actually do exists those who study much more than I do.)

Have you ever peed in a pool:
- haha, duh.

Do you close your eyes when you listen to music:
- Not often. Too busy doing other things!

How old were you when life was the hardest?:
- Now. And 17-18ish. Depends on the actual situation.

Do you eat the burnt chips:
- To quote Jeremy, who  i stole this survey from: "The lame question guy strikes again!"

Do you still have your baby blanket?
- Still have a receive blnkets in my closet.

Is there anything you HAVE to do everyday:
- I'd like to say sleep, but I don't get that every day! Food, I s'pose.

Do you curse in front of family:
- Not my dad. *hides*

What is your favorite TV show ever:
- No idea. House has been my most recent favorite.

Have you ever passed out:
- If sleeping doesn't count, than never.

Have you ever slapped yourself in the face:
- whacked, yes. Specifically slapped, no.

Have you been in a car accident that was your fault:
- No.

You have to give up 1 of your 5 senses (smell, touch, sight, sound, taste):
- Smell.

What do you do when the power goes out:
- Find something else to do.
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