At last, an update! (sort of)

Mar 07, 2006 21:45

It's been ages, hasn't it? Busy, busy, busy... I use my Xanga site much more than LJ, so I'll cheat and copy over portions of my recent entries here. :)


Finals are in two weeks... then SPRING BREAK... sleep... Six Flags... then the third and final quarter for the school year!

Spring quarter will be hell compared to this one, just as this quarter was much more difficult than the previous one... I look through the courses for my major and pray like mad that I can make it through... Theoretically, I can do it all. ["Do it" referring to doing well - not just passing. If I took my classes just to pass them I'd never have to worry about school!]

What is left other than school? eh, not much, but I'm not complaining. This is where I am meant to be right now, and it is often fun - even with the challenges. After all, difficulties only add flavor to life, as long as they're kept from becoming overwhelming. The harder the task, the sweeter the victory.


Random stuff: Last Thursday I participated in my second debate for aging class, which went well -- I think my team would've won if we were being judged for overall argument instead of individual performance. Debating can be very fun -- I love it when I had a solid argument and can [attempt to] verbally kick the other people's butts. *grins* (My o-chem prof: "Inversion of configuration... If you kick my butt, my arms fly up!")

Last time, Dr. M said that the only thing I might improve on is my projection, and this time she said I was more audible. I can't hear myself the way others do, obviously, but from what I've gathered my voice is pretty low and/or soft, and I typically don't speak loudly or especially clearly. Hence, it takes some strain for me to speak in public and be heard properly... Fortunately, I'm not particularly scared of speaking before audiences [not counting family, which I don't enjoy] and don't get nervous - at least in small settings (I haven't done anything out of the classroom).

Do I really mumble that much? I try not to... At least when I remember or feel like it - sometimes I know I'm swallowing my sentences and don't care enough to take the energy to fix it. heh.

I've heard that the #1 fear of people is public speaking, followed by death! lol. People are strange, although I can see where they're coming from... I'm not afraid of death in itself, but I do fear dying without the chance to fulfill some of my dreams. Of course, it's not really up to me - the choice is to follow God's plan for my life, no matter what it may be... Easy to say, hard to do, but what other option do I have? It's rather ironic - sometimes it feels like trusting in God is such a vague, ethereal concept, and yet that trust is the most solid, dependable thing we have.
  In any case, it's good that all the debates are over and I have a few less things to work on. My schedule is crazy. Or I'm crazy. Or both. :P


By the way, I finally declared my major - chemistry! There's a long story behind it, but I've been sitting here for two hours instead of doing work properly, so that will have to wait for later...
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