Heroes 2.07

Nov 06, 2007 13:11

Don’t have as much time to write this as usual, so let me just say this…

…It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out why the opening credits (with the “eclipse” and the “created by”) were green. I was seriously thinking to myself, “Um, St. Patrick’s Day is in March, right?” Then I remembered that this week is NBC’s Green Is Universal week and all became clear. As for the commercial showing Zachary Quinto and a few of the others planting trees in the middle of a large city to promote environmentalism…awkward but well-intentioned. I can’t fault the network for trying.

As for the episode itself, I don’t know what everyone else thought but…well, I don’t even know what I thought because I was too busy melting in orgasmic bliss the second I saw David Anders and Milo Ventimiglia on screen together. After last week’s introduction of Adam Monroe, I was crossing my fingers that Adam was Kensei but didn’t think I’d be lucky enough for it to actually happen. I feel like Christmas has come early this year (which it has, if the numerous holiday commercials I’ve been seeing are anything to go by) and that it’s coming again next week with the whole unveiling of what happened to the characters during the missing four months. This, to me, is just too cool. This is almost worth forgiving all the faults this season’s had so far.

Almost. We’ll see what happens next week.

Oh, and is it me or is Mohinder getting really hard to take seriously? I love the guy. I really do. But with his whole “I thought we were taking the Company down together. I don’t know what your agenda is anymore!” line to Bennet, well…they couldn’t have made him sound more like a spurned lover if they tried. Also the bandage on his nose sort of ruined the scene where he was getting all emotional about not knowing what to believe anymore. After he did the very moronic thing of confessing to Bob that he’d been working with Bennet to take down the Company. It appears Mohinder is a very confused man. It’s a bit like that game kids play where one gets blindfolded and turned in circles and then the other kids run away and he has to find them. Then again, maybe that’s not a real game. Maybe that’s just a plot device from the 1993 version of The Secret Garden. Still, it’s like that.

Matt’s contribution to the plot this week mainly had me thinking about how the daddy issues are piling up on this show. The characters from Heroes should really get together with the characters from Lost and have a group therapy session about how their fathers ruined their lives. I mean, I’m having a harder time thinking of a list of characters from Heroes that don’t have daddy issues than I am thinking of a list of the ones that do. And most of the ones who don’t are just characters whose fathers we don’t know anything about yet. Still, part me kind of liked the scene where Molly woke up and, when Matt told her how much he loved her, all she said was, “I heard.” That was well done.

Peter’s trip into the future was a little less blue screen this week, which was a plus. I thought his meeting his mother in the future and not knowing who she was at first was a nice touch (even if he remembered her just a little too easily). I kind of wish we’d gotten to see more of that world, the way we got to see the “aftermath of the bomb” world in Five Years Gone but with 93% of the population dead (two of them being Peter and Nathan, no less), there probably wouldn’t have been as much of a story to tell as far as what happened to the characters in the intervening time. Still, I can’t help but wonder what Angela Petrelli’s power is, if she has any at all. It’s interesting that they haven’t touched on that yet, though they’ve heavily implied that Mr. Petrelli had a power.

Oh, and poor Caitlin. I had a bad feeling once she and Peter were separated that she’d be left behind. Interesting to note that a lot of the characters who have paired up with someone else this season spent this episode basically being torn apart from the one they’ve fallen in love with. West ran away from Claire when he found out Bennet was her father. Caitlin got left in the plague-ridden future while Peter accidentally sent himself back to the present (so he could slash it up with Adam Monroe/Kensei…er, I mean…never mind). Hiro left Yaeko by the cherry blossoms so he could return to his own time. I like this series of developments not so much because I disliked the designated love interests in the first place, but because it has the potential to complicate the respective storylines in interesting ways. I mean, Hiro pretty much can’t go back in time and be with Yaeko again. If Peter manages to stop the plague, he pretty much eliminates his chances of traveling back to the future where Caitlin is trapped. And West…well, West will probably be back. Unfortunately.

Suffice to say, it figures that this show is beginning to gain momentum again just as the Writers Guild of American decides to go on strike. As it is, I know the people at Heroes have planned ahead by filming an alternate ending to a big episode airing in December in case it needs to serve as a season finale rather than just a finale to the current storyline. Kind of a scary idea but from what I’ve read about the reasons behind the strike, I can’t blame the writers for what they’re doing. As a television fan, I can only hope for a quick and satisfactory resolution for the writers and their various grievances.

episode reaction, heroes

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