They should awaken tomorrow...correct? That is how death works here, if I remember correctly.
...I will continue to assist Gawain-san in the affairs about the home until they come to. It is the least that I can offer at the moment, small as it is.
It has very nearly been a year here. I have seen them all come and go more times than I care to recount. Comrades and enemies both, strangers. More and more as time passes I wonder what it is I am missing. If that conversation with Madara held any grain of truth. His words should be ignored, I know as much...but I do not like thinking of what could be happening there...without me...
Itachi-san and Sasuke-san are dead. I am not sure what it is that I can say about what I saw of their bodies aside from what was blatantly visible. Mutilated in a manner rarely seen even in...war. While the killer may have been making a point, there otherwise wasn't one. There was no honor in their deaths...only cowardice. More and more I find myself realizing anew the truth in His words.
...If only he were-