.48 [[ Voice//Video ]]

Jun 18, 2009 10:18

[Paper can be heard rustling, a soft voice in the background and then...a long pause. Footsteps carry Konan to the recording communicator, but the voice is...different. Still quiet but more...delicate. Male (if just barely)]

...Well. This is not what I expected at all. This is rather the opposite, I should say.

I believe I asked for it though, in erring away from the side of caution.

[There's another rustling sound as he attempts to flip the communicator off, not noticing that it flips the video link on, showing an image of a delicate face and short blue hair. Konan nibbles at his lower lip gently for a moment, looking at something offscreen.]

bend but do not break, event: gender, oh this is just not cool, ever flowing, konan is a delicate bishie, status: affected

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