The Tale of Tails. Haibun

Apr 03, 2021 03:27

                                                                                                       The Tale of Tails

It was a beautiful sunny day, though still cold. Immersed in the great book, I went for my daily walk later than usual. That's the time for all neighborhood dogs to go out with their humans. Here is one such couple, never met them before. The beagle was eager to make friends, so I stopped and introduced myself. Bella-the-beagle, and Karen-her-human were very nice and happy to talk, and so we did for some time. It always amazes me how easy it is to learn the whole life stories of two persons on the very first meeting in just a few minutes! As I did now, and many times before... And every time I walk away with a much better outlook on life. As if a dog's pure and simple nature and sincere interest somehow injects hope in me.

first spring days --
                                                                                                   the sun worshipers jump
                                                                                                        and wag their tails
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