
Aug 23, 2013 01:36

  • Bentley, Jerry H. Old World Encounters. Cross-cultural contacts and exchanges in pre-modern times. Oxford University Press, 1993.
  • Foltz, Richard. Religions of the Silk Road. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
  • Linssen, Robert. Living Zen. Grove Press, New York, 1958.
  • McEvilley, Thomas. The Shape of Ancient Thought. Comparative studies in Greek and Indian Philosophiesю Allworth Press and the School of Visual Arts, 2002.
  • Tanabe, Katsumi. Alexander the Great: East-West Cultural contacts from Greece to Japan. NHK and Tokyo National Museum, 2003
  • Wenzel, Marian. Echoes of Alexander the Great: Silk route portraits from Gandhara. With a foreword by the Dalai Lama. Eklisa Anstalt, 2000.

книги, индо-греки, Греция, Бактрия, компаративистика, буддология, индологическая библиотека, буддизм, индология

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