Nov 09, 2007 13:53
I officially hate Personal Statements and UCAS applications. This is my second time through and I reckon it's actually twice as horrific, I've filled everything in, down to the last line and just have my Personal Statement to fill in. This has been sent of three of four times and keeps coming back with the possibility of amendments and betterings, I hate it, I wanted to have sent my applications off months ago so I'd be earlier than everyone else, now practically the entire country will have sent theirs off before me. The best I can hope for now is that they may have a peek at my application as a momentary amusement in the intervals between looking at young genius' and laugh in derision that I even considered going to Univsersity in the first place let alone opt for a decent education.
I suppose I might be able to hope that Bath will want me again, I can't really hope for much more, not with three Bs, I even had the Vet girls in Liverpool look at me scathingly for those grades.
Perhaps I'm just feeling severly depressed and self-depracating at the moment but I just feel that I'm going nowhere very quickly and am going to be laughed at thoroughly seconds before I have the door slammed swiftly in my face. Essentially I'm in severe need of serious retail therapy, I need my boots.