Aug 26, 2005 22:25
i took a bath and sunk under water.
i was listening to the sound under water and it was really interesting.
i was about to call scott today to hang out with me but i didn't.
i think i am just lonely but i don't think calling scott and hanging out with him would do me any good as he is already my ex bf and i would probably not want to date him anymore...even though i haven't told him that yet.
but...i doubt he would want to go out with me either because he already has a love interest.
i went shopping for clothes and i bought two shirts and two shoes.
one pair of shoes were for work, but they are pretty comfy.
i made a new online friend who is drawing people from myspace and he said he would draw me.
i am so fortunate that another artist would even want to draw me.
that's pretty awesome.
oh i haven't seen kashioboy for such a long time and i am worried~. i was listening to one of his songs today and it made me feel better because i was sort of depressed for some reason.
hm i hope feel better.
maybe i am sad because i am always doing something by myself.
i knew that i would have no one to hang out with when i broke up with scott, but yeah...well i do have invites to socialize from men at my work....but i really don't want to because they just want a gf.
so hmph!!! to my life right now.
i need to think of something happy.
i need to.
i need to.
i need to.