Who: Roxas and Sora
Where: Somewhere in the market district
When: Monday afternoon
Style: log
Warnings: confusion
Status: closed
Roxas bit pensively at a popsicle stick, blue eyes distant as he wandered the dusty streets. People flowed around him, a never-ending current in this busy, hot city. This place reminded him so much of Agrabah, it was scary.
But now so much more was on his mind that it was impossible to keep his thoughts straight. Was Sora still here? He'd seen his Other post, but not wanting to complicate things (or disappear again), had said nothing, content to merely curl up in his room and think about everything. It was all he ever did anymore, not having missions to do or things to run from. The only thing that really occupied Roxas' time was keeping himself away from the Organization members who remained in this place.
He was hardly paying attention to his surroundings, so lost was he in thoughts of Axel, of fading, of everything that had happened and how it was possible that he was back himself again after being finally absorbed into Sora.