A really quick post since I still have many other things I have to go off and finish ^^;;
Not exactly the most exciting and happy news I have and I'll bet a lot of you who visit this site won't like it...>>"
Firstly, I don't have enough time to do everything or anything I want anymore with major exams and stuff coming up, so I had to drop a lot of stuff...
Say bye bye to Strobe Edge summaries *cough* ...
Frankly, I lost interest for some reason...
I have that habit and it's usually the reason why I can never follow a story for long...
Anyway, here was the next chapter to Strobe Edge in magazine format ^^;;
It's been scanned, cropped and levelled for your convenience since it's not that great of quality...
I wish they used better paper...>>"
STROBE EDGE chapter 20 - RAW (18.65mb)
It came out with a cover for the magazine as well, so here's that!
Be glad that StarryHeaven still exists ;P
And STROBE EDGE volume 5 cover - front and back.
I've even cleaned it nicely and everything for you!
Next is the Atashinchi no Danshi.
Yeah, lost interest in that too and it wasn't a story I had really wanted to do anyway...
But here's the opening colour spread in case anyone else wants to pick it up ;P
It's the same as the cover...==''
And I did mention (or not) that I wanted to scan Hakushaku to Yousei as a project but seeing as StarryHeaven has (thank god), it won't be necessary anymore ;D
I'm actually really glad about that part, as much as I wanted to do it, this way is so much more relaxing and yeah!
Oh, here's a totally random colour page from Hyakujuu Kingdom. I didn't bother scanning the Raw though...
Being worked on by Esthe...(?)...
And here's the last RAW (and other stuff) which I had not recycled...>>" ...yet...
Black ProfileA horror.
I've scanned it, cropped it and even levelled it up nicely.
I was going to work on it for Halloween but given the many circumstances, it's just not possible anymore ^^;;
Hoshii no wa Anata Dake ch01 colour spread
Naze! Nani!
This series never made it out in volume format so I really didn't want it to be lost forever...
But it will one day be released as a volume so all's still good ^^;;
Yeah, it's just an excuse so as not to scan it...>>"
But have a colour opening for which ever group decides to pick it up!
And tha't all the announcements and stuff for a while.
Actually, once I finish all the projects that I really want to for Houkago, I won't have anything else to do here anymore ^^;;
Hakushaku to Yousei was going to keep me here, but heck, I'd rather focus on graduating High School and moving onto Uni ;P
So until then, you can endure puting up with me till all the pre-determined Houkago projects are released! *laughs*