An Upside-Down Shower

Aug 31, 2011 20:51

An Upside-Down Shower: It's been a busy couple of days. Yesterday evening we went for a walk in one of the local ancient bogs. One of the highlights was supposed to be that this bog had a nature trail that was partially floating- plastic planks set out into the bog itself towards a scenic overlook. The first of these was just a little shaky, but fine. The second had a sign: "Potential For Wet Shoes." "Oh," we thought, "our shoes might get a little damp."

These bog boards are designed, as it turns out, with inch-wide holes in them, about every foot, presumably for buoyancy. The bog was very high. When you step on a board with one inch-wide hole in it, and are not child-weight, as you press down into the bog, a narrow stream of bog-water goes shooting up. If, say, you are wearing a skirt, this is an Exciting New Experience. (CP, wearing shorts, called it "Bog Bidet.") There were about 200 odd boards on the path.

CP and I were very, very wet by the end of the path; so were the boys, but, luckily, they thought it was all great fun and the one trouble was keeping them from running. (There are no railings on the boards, and I was terrified of R. going overboard.)
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