My first Entry

Nov 11, 2007 16:05

Wow, I've been meaning to get a LiveJournal for quite some time but I've only just got one now ^ ^; .  One of the main things that pushed me to getting one is that I've been a lurker in many LJ communities for sometime and decided I should actually stop being a creepy lurker, get off my lazy butt and get one.

I don't actually know how often I'll be able to get on here, though.  University is a big stresser for me right now and I'm still getting used to the transition to it from high school (this being my first year in university). I've already completely changed what I want to go into; before it was medicine and now I'm thinking sociology oO.  I'm not sure what I'll use it for either.  Probably for ranting :P. 
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