Myspace Survey Ripped from half_here

Jun 28, 2006 18:58

In 2006 so far...

1. Have you had more than 5 different boyfriends/girlfriends?

2. Have you had your birthday?:

3. Been to church?
I've been in a choir concert that was in a church. I only go there if it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.

4. Cried yet?
Many times.

5. Had someone close to you pass away?
Not someone close to me, no.

6. Pulled an all nighter?

7. Drank starbucks?:
Oh dear god, I go there like...4 times a week... It's all about the Venti 1/2 sweet passionfruit iced tea, and the soy tazo chais....

8. Went shopping?
Have I ever... most recently, on Queen Street W in TORONTO!

9. Been camping?
Not so much...

10. Been to the beach?

11. Bought something for over $100?
I don't think so, actually... I've spent more than $100 in one shot, but I don't think it was all on the same item...

12. Met someone new?:
Yes. AND I finally met bradleyave! YAY!

13. Been out of the county?

14. Gone Snowboarding?
HA!!!! I mean, no.

" In the past month have you "

1. Kissed someone?:

2. Slept in someone elses bed?
Does a hotel bed count?

3. Snuck someone over?
I don't have to sneak people over.

4. Snuck out of your own house?
I don't have to do that either. (I definately just left these answers as they were when Sarah filled it out)

5. Been to a bar?:

6. Lied?
I'm sure I've lied a bit.

7. Gotten a car?
I just had my G1 renewed, you do the math.

8. Gone over your cell phone bill?
I went over it today, actually!

9. Been called a whore?:
Yes, but they weren't serious. Have you MET ME?

10. Driven somewhere?
Yes. I'm trying to drive as much as I can so I can FINALLY get my license.

11. Done something you regret?
Oh good god yes.


Thing you bought:
I purchased some NIN stuff (shut up) online the other day. It's actually really cool though. If you are actually interested, you should ask me about it!

Person you hugged?

Person to call you?

Last time you brushed your teeth?
This morning

Last time you took a bath?
I had a shower when I got home from the gym that I was working a shift at...

When was the last time you felt stupid?
I feel stupid a lot, actually.

Last time you walked/ran a mile?
On Saturday, Dan, James, and I walked from the Delta Chelsea (in Toronto) ALMOST all the way to the Molson Amphitheatre. When we finally gave up and got into a cab, we were only like... a block away...

Who was the last person who saw you cry?
My mum.

Who was the last person who made you cry?

Who was the last person who you watched a movie with?
Dan and James. We went to see Thank You For Smoking.

Who was the last person you danced with?:
Dan and James, at a Gay bar called Zippers on Church Street *shudder*

Who did you last yell at?
I don't know, actually.

Who makes you smile most?
The thought of being reunited with Matt. Though Cal and I barely even have to look at eachother without bursting into hysterics (HOUSEKEEPING!!)

What did you do today?
Worked at the gym, showered, watched Oprah... I lead a sad, sad existance.

Song that's stuck in your head right now?
Waterloo Sunset by the Kinks

1. Where were you 3 hours ago?
Right here.

2. Who are you in love with?
Someone who doesn't exist.

3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?
Not to my knowledge.

4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
There is a pad of hot pink PostIt notes next to me.

5. When is the last time you went to the mall?
Monday after work, but only briefly, and it was to catch the bus.

*Where is number six?*

7. What kind of car do you own?
I don't own a car.

8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
Well, I took the train to Toronto on Friday... Other than that... I drove TO Ottawa from London at the Beginning of May...

9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
I went to see Thank You For Smoking on Sunday.

10. Are you hot?
Well, we don't have air conditioning so- Oh! THAT kind of hot. I guess it depends on who you ask.

11. What was the last thing you had to drink?

12. What are you wearing right now?
Green cargo capris and a black tank top... I will be getting all scenester-y in a bit though... ZAPHOD'S TONIGHT!

13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
I haven't begun to own a car during the time it's taken me to fill out this I'm just going to say no.

14. Last food that you ate?
A soft chew Werther's Original

15. Where were you last week at this time?
At the National Gallery, selling audioguides for the member's evening.

16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
I actually don't think I have!!! Which is unusual for me... Well, I bought a CRAPLOAD of makeup and band pins, which are accessories, which is sort of like clothing...

17. When is the last time you ran?
Uh... Probably for the bus or something... and even then... I almost never take the bus anymore

18. What's the last sporting event you watched?

19. What is your favorite animal?
Rabbits and wiener dogs

20. Your dream vacation?
I dunno really... Somewhere with friends

21. Last person's house you were in?
Probably Anna's... I'm pretty much the most centrally located of all my friends so we usually just meet here or downtown.

22. How old are your parents?
54 and 63

23. Have you been in love?
I thought so at the time, but now I'm thinking no.

24. Do you miss anyone right now?

25. Last play you saw?
I'm going to pretend that said concert.

NINE INCH NAILS!!!! SPIRAL FLOOR TICKET!!! Front and Centre in the PIT!!!

27.What are your plans for tonight?
Eating dinner with my parents, then going to The Brig and Zaphods.

28. Who is the last person you sent a myspace message or comment to?

29. What is the next trip you are going to take?
Vancouver and Vancvouer Island.

30. Ever go to camp?
Four years at Camp Arrowhead.

31. Were you an honor roll student in school?
Nope! I'm brilliant, but I don't apply myself...

32. What do you want to know about the future?
Lots of things, but I think it's better that I figure them out as they happen.

33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
No. All my hair/body products are from Lush, so perfume would be even more of an overkill.

34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?
I should probably check in there before the end of the summer.

35. Where is your best friend(s)?
Vancouver, Nova Scotia (in various small-minded towns), Ottawa, Toronto/Victoria, and London.

36. Who is your best friend(s)?
Mary, Matt, Danielle and Anna, Cal, and Amanda.

37. Do you have a tan?
I do, actually. Not on purpose though. That's what happens when you walk around Toronto for three days straight.

38. What are you listening to right now?
Head Like a Hole by Nine Inch Nails

39. Do you collect anything?
Band Pins

40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
There are a few people in the Don Wright Faculty of Music who will remain nameless.

41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
I don't remember.

42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
Yes, at restaurants and bars.

43. What does your last text message say?
The last text message I recieve says "Feel bad." It was from the Coffee Kid in regards to me not being at the Place concert. And yes, I do feel bad.

44. Do you like hot sauce?
Not especially.

45. Last time you took a shower?
This afternoon.

46. Do you need to do laundry?
Nope, I did laundry yesterday.

47. What is your heritage?
I am a first generation Canadian. But other than that, I am very VERY British.

48. Are you someone's best friend?

49. Are you rich?

50. What do you think of the person who took this survey before you?
Sarah is cool. We need to get together soon as I haven't seen her in FOREVER!!!
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