Feb 06, 2010 12:58
Got called into work yesterday so wasn't able to get my fabric like I wanted to. But Whit, Lucas, Lucas' brother Andrew, and I all went out into Vancouver after I got off.
We had dinner at White Spot, and ironically, we were over the passenger limit over Lucas' car, and were seated next to police at the restaurant LOL. I dunno, I just find that kinda funny.
Once we were finished, we went into the Olympic Superstore, and I saw the BIGGEST Miga plush ever. It was so adorable! I wanted it so badly, but then read the tag that said 350 dollars. ouchhhh. But all the mascot stuff they had was ADORABLE! I saw a Miga bag (can you tell I love Miga? LMAO) for 25. It was pink, but I was so tempted to buy it *u*
After we left there, we went on a hunt for sewing machine needles in downtown Vancouver! We checked about 3 places before reaching London Drugs, which had some. So I snagged three packs of 5. Yessssss. And a new handsewing kit because I can't find half of mine after the events that took place when the bunch of us were rushing cosplay and broke all the needles so we all resorted to either glue, hand sewing, or both. LMFAO.
And then, right by the sewing supplies, I saw a bunch of Miga plushies! Only 30 dollars, so I of course snagged one. *u*