Mar 19, 2005 16:09
Hey dudes,
I got drunk again last night... was fun though, i sobered up before going to bed so I don't have a hangover now. It was the first time my roommate and I had partied together, over the course of the year we always went to different parties, and never really went to any together where there was liquor and beer.we came back chilled around for a bit, overall it was a good night. Some parts could have gone better (ie: teh hobag was all emo last night)
I was very very thirsty during the course of the night so I kept waking up to grab water. My neighbors were loud again and I had to go over to tell 'em to turn their shit down. I was getting very annoyed lately at certain people. I almost lost my cool with one person today because they were complaining so much. Whatever, I kept my cool and I'm not gonna yell at her for being a complete and total anal retentive jackass. Today apparently there is another party, which some people might partake in. I might DD again, but im not sure. I kinda don't feel like drinking tonight, still I want to go out and have some fun instead of rotting away in my dorm room.
I'm done for now,