fucking A

May 23, 2003 10:37

well i just realized why stopped writing in my live journal ironically im updating and i occasionally check it. i guess it makes some sense to write things down that people are too scared to tell people or too lazy to tell 50 people at different intervals, so simply write whatever it is you want the world to know in one commonly viewed public place and life becomes that much simpler. The funny part is the no offense its funny because you dont mean it, its funny because u want to offend people otherwise you wouldnt be writing whatever you wrote that might offend someone but just to be polite you use the phrase no offense the funny part is you feel like u have to be polite because you dont want everyone to be like oh what a bitch but saying fuck you to an old lady is funny because its impolite. teenagers make no sense not only do they make no sense but they're retarded the whole need for drama, no not drama melodrama the whole let me be impressive and the who has the worst problems game, the prize is sympathy and pity and thus the winner gets to revel in it and they're happy that their lives are the most fucked up. adolescent whinning. what drives me crazy is that its petty and annoying and selfish and though these adjectives mean nothing when simply spewed out in order reflect on the fact that you live in corporate america and you are privaleged as horrible as you think your life is theres a little girl in zimbabwae starving, another in ghana being sold on the black market to a fat ugly man whom she will have to fuck anytime he desires, a 15 year old boy with a gun in his hand forced into murder and millions of other atrocities that we are ungratefully shielded by - shit happens, deal with it

oh and gabby stop labeling and just live
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