My Fandom is Sexier than Your Fandom

Dec 04, 2011 11:20

List five of your OTPs and answer the questions.

1. Kirk/Spock - Star Trek
2. Dean/Cas - Supernatural
3. Morgan/Reid - Criminal Minds
4. Sylar/Peter - Heroes
5. Naruto/Sasuke - Naruto (I am a Narutard at heart XP)

1. When did you first fall in love with ship number 1?
The first time I saw STXI. There was just so much there. The scene where Kirk is being brought up on Academic charges and him and Spock are verbally bitch-slapping each other across the courtroom is just, HNNG.

2. When did you fall in love with ship number 5?
Oh god, it was so long ago, I don't even remember, all I know is that no matter how pissed off I am about where the series is heading, or the disdain people have for the fans like me, this will still be my first foray into M/M slash pairings, and I don't regret a thing. REPRESENT YO.

3. What is your favorite moment of ship number 3?
Oh god, SO MANY, like seriously? THE MAJORITY OF THEIR INTERACTIONS JUST MAKE ME A PILE OF INCOHERENT GIGGLING. But two of my all-time favorites are in the Anthrax episode. The first is when Reid goes into the Doctor's house and gets infected with Anthrax and has to slam the glass door shut so Morgan doesn't get infected too. AND REID IS ALL LIKE "SHIT, I'M SORRY." and Morgan looks at him like 'BOY, U NO DIE ON ME.' IT KILLS ME YOU GUYS. The second is when Reid is lying in the hospital bed and Morgan is just chillin' and eating jello. I always imagine that Morgan feeds Reid his jello. IT COULD HAPPEN. (Also, on an unrelated note, one of my all time favorite Criminal Minds inside jokes is when Rossi and Morgan are chillin' in Reid's hotel room in Vegas watching Young and the Restless. I LOL'ed SO HARD. In case you are confused, Shemar Moore (who plays Derek Morgan on Criminal Minds) used to play the character of Malcolm Winters on Young and the Restless. I will not reveal how I know this *shifty eyes*)

4. What will the ship be if you take the boy from ship 2 and the girl from ship 1 and mesh them? If one or both of the ships are slash, then pick and choose.
OH GOD. CAS/SPOCK. WHAT IS THIS, I DON'T EVEN. I feel like Spock's brain might short circut a little bit at the appearance of an honest to god angel. I also feel like Sybok would appear out of nowhere and be all like "HA! SEE I TOLD YOU THERE WAS A GOD!" I don't even know man, I don't even know.

5. Viceversa.
Dean/Kirk. GOD, TWO ALPHA MALES BATTLING FOR CONTROL. I'm pretty sure my brain is short circuiting from all the testosterone.The things going on in my pants right now. GAH.

6. What's your favorite moment for ship 4?
The last two episodes of Season 4 where they are trapped in Sylar's Mind and they need to use magical teamwork to get out! SLASHY GOODNESS :D (Oh god, it has been so long since I've watched Heroes and read any Sylar/Peter stuff :\ )

7. How long was there between the time you got into the fandom and the time you started shipping ship number 3?
I went from 0 to HOT BLACK GUY IS HAVING SEXY WITH SKINNY GENIUS in like ONE episode. I blame the writers for writing Morgan as Reid's primary defender. I mean, come on! Seriously you guys!

8. When did you start shipping ship number 4?
Probably pretty quickly after I started watching the series, probably like Mid Season One-when Sylar first shows up I guess? Mortal Enemies make the best torrid lovers! (Again, I blame the writers and also the casting people for casting two fine ass men in their respective roles.)

9. Take three random people from three of the ships and create an OT3?
Spock/Reid/Cas. OH YEAH, I WENT THARR. I can't even explain the things this OT3 does to my mind. Spock, Reid and Cas are my favorite characters from each of their respective series and they seem kind of similar to me (don't ask me why okay, I don't know!) and they all kind of get put in the bottom position in fanfiction so I think it would be interesting to see who would be the more dominant partner. PLUS THEY ARE ALL SO SEXY ;3;

10. Rank your OTPs in order. Boring question is boring.
New question: Which one person from one pairing do you think would be most attracted to a person from another pairing?
I mean the very OBVIOUS answer is Kirk and Sylar but maybe that has something to do with the fact that Sylar and Spock look SUSPICIOUSLY ALIKE :\ But personality wise? I think Spock would be most attracted to Reid. Reid would offer the biggest challenge intellectually and the brain wars would be insane! My tiny mortal brain cannot comprehend!!! SMART BOYS ARE SMART.

i'm not gay i'm just written that way!, otp, the writers made them gay i swear, fandom wars

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