Jun 30, 2006 00:11
This is my last entry in this journal. I have a different one that I started when I first was pregnant with Rinoa that was to get my mother in to lj. That is the one I'll be using from now on. I dont really use this one anymore. And the other one is kind of the start of the next chapter of my life. And disposing of this journal will be the end of this one. I seriously doubt anyone who was connected with me during this journal's life is interested in my child or her growing up. Or married life for that matter. But If you still want to be part of my new life, feel free to add me. second_guess_me is the new one. I think it's a little more mature sounding for a new mom. And all the friends journals I have on that one are all other parents.
I was thinking about how things used to be, thinking about friends in the past. I remembered how simple life was back in the days of dating Chuck, living with my grandparents, not having any responsibility. It was nice. Then when Jaime and I had our own apartment and the freedom and newness of it all. It was great. I remembered dinners at Applebees with Chuck and Greg, provisions, video games and brownies, shells and cheese. And it made me sad that they were over. But I guess we all have to grow up sometime. And I'll miss being friends with some people. And on that note...
Good Bye