Jun 20, 2005 11:48
yesterday was father's day. roughly 9 hour plane flight that killed me. i am now limping around or walking with a pained expression, due to all the walking in germany. and possibly the whole..sitting without getting up much for a long time. plane food is teh suck. we ate chinese last night once i got back, and i had bagel roll mmmmm (sushi) and then i felt like shit. my stomach hurt horribly, so we went home. i called erika on the way. i'm calling her later i guess.
who wants to hang out today?
come on guys, don't leave me hanging like usual.
in other news, my mom bought a new car saturday, b/c she needed to have lower car payments. which is nice i guess. i call her car an old person's car. my dad says it looks like a mercedes sort of. its a kia...something or other. i'll check later. it's wide and weird and silver. i get to learn how to drive it this week and possibly still take my driver's test. gah. mmm parallel parking should be quite a treat..
anyhow. i'm hungry. talking to stephen on aim. going to heat up chinese. i love asian food. i want mcd's, checkers, papa john's pizza, taco bell...moe's! jt, coming to visit you there in the next few days. uhm anything that i always eat. and that i haven't had in forever. sooo much food to eat. i'm going to become fat. yaaay. only not really. b/c i'm lying.
i think i am becoming delirious. food now. maybe more sleep. call me. do it. now.
edit: btw, i'm leaving early friday morning for new york. in case you do not know, i will not be back until july 30th or 31st.