spring break rocks

Mar 30, 2005 19:15


spring break has been going really well. I've been playing a bunch of mario party (the best game ever) and I went to the mall today. I bought the hard candy lunch box thing, which is so cool! it's got like all the makeup you'll ever need in a cute little box. Oh and I got like a diamond antenna for my cell phone that lightes up different colors every time you make a call or someone calls you. And I got poka dot flips flops with little heels on them. Okay, now that I've completely bored you with everything I bought...

I'm going to make a movie with my sisters and my oldest sister's boyfriend with my digital camera. Haha it's going to be hilarious.

I really don't want to go back to school. I still have to do that graphing thing for math. I attempted one and it turned out looking more like a mouse than a monkey....haha.

Tomorrow I'm going to Catalina for two days. I'm going to go on a glass bottom boat and this submarine thing, and some fishing and hiking. I'm staying in Avalon, which is where my family always stays when we go to Catalina. Avalon has the best mini golf.

Well that's all for now. Comments?
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