Things Change and ReaRRange Re-Twist; SuRReaL Dining

Jul 18, 2005 10:01


Just took the first sip of my coffee alone. Once a week, on a Thursday, at the same time, same place, I'm never off the dot. Every night I'm there, the same couple is sitting on my left, and every night I'm there, the same waiter is working his shift. The moments are priceless, yet listless, it's cynically perfect. Everytime I'm there, I'm always reading the sports section of the newspaper, and everytime, I say, "damn, the Dodgers lost again..." Everytime I turn the page after baseball; it's always 8:30 p.m, the waiter has me timed perfectly, that he slides me a new cup of coffee... everytime. He's got perfect aim. Then, the couple laughs... for some strange reason, the husband always has something funny to say at the same time as always. Thursdays are the nights I come into this diner alone... I think to myself, "am I wasting my time here... I feel like I wanna be somewhere else... but then I know that there's no place I'd rather be..." damn my indecisiveness. Oh well, I think it's great that there's a day in my life that's always the same... I thought well. Until the next time I was there...

This one particualr night, after I took my first sip of the coffee, the time flew by. I finished the first cup. But something about tonight was weird... The Dodgers were finally winning, there was a different couple and they didn't laugh, and this time, when the waiter slid the coffee over, he almost missed my hand, as a little coffee flew out of the cup... I noticed it was a different waiter and he suddenly was briefly distracted as the clock struck 8:30 p.m... the door opened... This never happens around this time on this night, especially when it's the night that I am there. The coffee tastes a little weird. I look up and to the side as I took a quick and deep concentrated glance. It was a woman. She seemed to have been walking in the rain....I didn't care for her, but I was still a little curious.

She shook her umbrella down as she closed it right after. She took the hood off of her head and her hair was as dry as a summer's day. Blonde and golden as the sun. Her eyes were of blue from diamonds and her lips were covered with a seductive red. She also brought a newspaper... She then sat down 3 seats away from me, took her sporting coat off, and grabbed the attention of my waiter right away. I looked at her curiously, yet, without a care in the world as I put my attention back to my newspaper. The waiter handed her a cup of coffee and a package. She took her first sip and said, "so how about those Dodgers huh?.. I never thought they'd win, but I'm sure glad they won today... it's a great sign." I smirked a little, and didn't respond. Instead, I looked at the couple as they started to look really suspicious. I saw the waiter and he started to stare into the strange woman with his hand under the counter... Something was definitely different about tonight. The woman looked at me as she winked. Right then and there, it happened so fast, yet I can recall the moment as if it were a scene from "The Matrix."

She took a Desert Eagle(Gun) out and threw it towards me as she walked out the door. I dramatically, but quickly planted my foot as I caught it, kicked back and slid towards the door. As I was doing so, in a quick moment, I saw the unusual couple as they had their rifles aimed at me. I took two shots as I aimed for their heads and got them both. I then looked at the waiter as he shot at me with his shotgun and missed, I then fired another two shots as both hit him in the face... Still sliding across the room, my stool finally came to a complete stop; perfectly in front of the door. I stood up as I still confused but content of what had happened. I quickly move on and walk out the door.

There she was... standing outside smoking a cigarette. The mysterious woman who walked into my diner on my day so randomly. She throws her cigarette on the floor and steps on it. Looks at me and says, "you left it in the wrong jacket..." I looked at her and said, "hey, what are best friends for?" I could hear the bells of the chapel across the street as we were both staring at it. She says to me, "I can't believe you were going to be late to your own best friend's wedding." I replied, "I thought you were getting married on Wednesday?" She says, "It is wednesday..." (I thought to myself) Son of a bitch... it is.

Thursday (the next day) officially came and I walked into my diner... The usual couple was there and they smiled at me. I looked at the paper and the Dodgers lost again. The waiter slides me the coffee. Now, it tastes a lot better. He says to me, "the least you two could've done was mop the blood off the floor." I replied back, "I forgot it was Wednesday Tom."
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