Reorganized Pantry

Oct 27, 2009 11:02

I was inspired by soapfaerie's recent post about reorganizing the pantry. It made me conscious of how much time I spend hunting for things, or picking something up to get to another thing. I realized further that since we are gifted with a rather large closet-style pantry, it has become the depository for all sorts of stuff that doesn't belong there!

My challenge was not to discard expired food (did that before the move into this house in March!), but just to be able to get to what we have.

My goals were simple: move out of the way stuff that I don't use. Make sure I have a dedicated space for the following categories: breads, snacks, sweets, and baking goods.

My triumphs include the "Ah-ha!" moment of replacing hard to organize bags with employment for empty containers which were themselves taking up space somewhere else. I put seldom-used small pitchers into use for sugar and brown sugar (not used enough in this household to warrant real estate in a countertop utility cannister). I put walnuts for baking, and croutons into plasticware. I used a washed-out glass spaghetti jar to store our rice. Not only did those cannisters make it easier to store and stack items, but now it looks so much prettier and "homey," that it really makes me happy!

Thanks for the inspiration and tips, soapfaerie!

Left side

Right side

Closeup of baking items



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