Quick organizing cleaning tips withOUT dragging a bucket around

Jul 04, 2007 10:42

I used to have a maid (yeah, yeah laugh! LOL). I did watch her, on occasion, since she seemed to get everything done in 1/10000000th the time it took /me/ to do the same things.

Something extremely helpful I learned from her was to wear an apron with pockets. Of course, you'll look like a dork, but it's PERFECT for carrying multiple sprays, cleaners, sponges and wipes in. No more dragging around a bucket to take care of surface areas.

I also "blend" my cleaning liquids, to achieve the depth of cleaning I need, and then label the spray bottles. That helps :) Saving empty bottles helps, too.

I always wear gloves. Each time I walk into a room, I have disinfectant wipes to take care of /all/ doorknobs, fridge door handles, etc. since I have teenagers running crazy 24/7 and eating me out of house and home.

Bonus cleaning tip that works, and quickly
To clean blinds and also lampshades FAST, fill your bathtub up with hot water about halfway. Add a combination of dishwashing detergent and laundry detergent. For lampshades (first), simply put them on top of the water, and "roll" them, until all dust and gunk is gone. For blinds, simply take the dirty ones, put them in the tub, and let 'em soak. No more trying to squeeze a sponge between those cracks (yeah, I was dumb enough to do that in my 20's...lol). :D

Just thought I'd throw in 2 cents :)

time savers, lampshades, blinds, cleaning, tips

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