I posted
this entry in August. It is now Ocotber 30th and I thought I'd update because I like writing this stuff out.
I moved into my new place with a couple rubbermaid containers and a couple duffle bags full of clothing. More than I ever though I owned. I was slightly disgusted with myself and started sorting through the stuff to realize I hadn't worn most of that since like Junior High. Some was also my sisters which I was supposed to donate for her because she'd never do it and simply toss the clothes away and the thought of that made my stomache turn.
So I got into my new place and did an initial sort and the clothes sat by my door during September. School was just to busy to bother with that kind of thing. My dresser (that I got for free! Weee for Freecycle) has 6 large drawers and 2 were for other things but the other four were stuffed to the max. It was sort of nuts.
Last night, in a sort of "I'm too awake" blitz, I went through everythign again. I did all my laundry and hung everything up. When I ran out of hangers for shirts I absolutely love and wear all the time, I went through my closet and found shirts I never wear. I got rid of some clothes there. Once I had everything hung up I categorized my
Tank tops - I ended up giving away a couple. Who needs small tank tops when you have 3 or 4 that fit you fine. I wear these as layers during the winter so they aren't really Seasonal clothes for me.
T-shirts - I had this phase where I wore only 5$ T-shirts from Zellers. They are boys and they are sooo comfy but they shrunk and despite my best efforts to tell myself that they were comfortable, they clearly are not any more. I don't spend much on clothes to begin with so there's no "This was an expensive T-shirt" guilt. I got rid of a couple others that I just don't wear anymore because they aren't comfortable. I base my wardrobe on comfort so why keep things that aren't comfortable?!
Long Sleeve shirts - I didn't get rid of any of these because the ones I have I wear. I have a couple of the same kind but the gaps between laundry days are quite large so I decided to just keep all of them. There aren't too many.
Sweaters - I don't usually wear sweaters. But there are a couple there that I use for dressing up. So I moved those over to my "dressing up" clothes. I had 2 zipper sweaters, only one that I wore so I donated hte other one. There were 2 of the same type of sweater again and I gave one away because the other one is for special occaisions only and I only ever wear one. So one was tossed into the donation pile and the other moved to the "dressing up" clothes.
Hoodies/Zip-ups - I kept all of these. I enjoy these immensely and have a rotation for them. I wear every single one. I only have 4 though.
Jackets - My fall/winter one. These were left
My bag of mittens and scarfs (a plastic bag on a hanger where everything goes)
My hiking backpack (because I have no other place to put it)
My "dressing up" clothes - I am donating a shirt that I never wore anymore as it had been replaced by newer items for work.
And then I moved onto my dresser. I emptied out my drawers and went through everything. So I organized my
dresser too:
Drawer 1 - Extra school supplies
Drawer 2 - Pajamas/oversized T-shirts. I had a lot of extra pjama bottoms when I actually only wear 3 or 4. So I am donating those. And then my comfortable lounging T-shirts were sorted through and anythign I hadn't used for working out or lougning is being donated. A few "sentimental value" T-shirts were put aside.
Drawer 3 - Where I ended up putting the couple sentimental T-shirts. My friend is helping me make a quilt out of them when I go home for the holidays. Also in there is my pair of pants that I wear when I work at the gas station over the summer.
Drawer 4 - Underwear/Socks. I just re-organized this drawer because I had purged this earlier. I did the shoebox suggestion and put my underwear in a box and the socks in the drawer. Will make it easier to see when I actually have to do laundry as this is the giant indicator.
Drawer 5 - Pants drawer. I went through this and found some jeans I haven't worn in a while but it's hard to give those away for some reason. I mean, I never wear them but what if I need them for something. Don't ask me what I have a weird attachment to jeans. I bought them, wore them, they were uncomfortable but they just sat in my drawer. Typing it out has just made me get up and put them in the pile of clothes I'm donating.
Drawer 6 - Other stuff drawer. Very organized. No clothing.
So yes, I'm making some headway. The latter could be said about my homewokr. Must get back to that.