(no subject)

Mar 27, 2009 18:54

He's helpless with not knowing what to do. Everything - surgical removal, kolto, herbal medicines - they've tried only makes it worse or does nothing good. All he can do is watch on as the parasites grow in strength and size to encase his son's arm.

Ranthus sighs and watches a droid wheedles its way around the quarantined room to chart Revan's stats while he's stuck on the outside and looking in. Not that he needs to look at the instruments to know how bad his son was doing.

He was weaker than he was a mere two days ago when he stumbled back to the medical station with his hand completely encased in the damned creatures. He was able to recount what he'd seen - the trail of bodies, the devastated camp - before he passed out from the pain he'd held off.

Though something was keeping the parasites from killing Revan as fast as it supposedly had the pilot and the Myneyrshi, Ranthus knew they only had so long until they could figure out how to stop it before it was too late.

A heavy set of footsteps sound in the hall and he looks up to find Archer making her way toward him.

"Any news?"

She shakes her head. "There's nothing in the databases. Either everything been lost, destroyed, in the wars or we're dealing with an entirely new species." She lowers her voice. "I've kept techs from contacting the Republic about it for now. Last thing we need is them on our base, taking over."

Her tone is bitter. She's never cared for the Republic, especially its medical core. He waits for her to continue, knowing she has more to say.

"Good news: None of us are in trouble. Yet. All tests have showed anyone whose been in contact with Revan is in the clear. We think - I think they wait until their current host dies, killing them with that toxin of theirs, before moving on. It would explain why only the Myneyrshi were infected after the pilot, even though I was at the ship myself.

"We've the Myneyrshi camp quarantined as best we can, but we have no idea who or what has been through there since Revan. And we're keeping our distance in case any more of the bastards survived. They spawn so fast, Ranthus. If Revan dies - "

No one on the base was safe.

A series of low, shrill beeps come from the room and they both look in on time to see Revan, still unconscious, jolt on the bed, his body in obvious pain. Another of the creatures has formed, crawling out from under the pack, and it claims an open spot on his shoulder.

Both of them sigh as Revan falls still again, the steady thrum of the monitor clear enough. He's still hanging on, only his breathing harsh as if each inhale of air is torture.

Archer breaks the silence once more: "Ranthus, you should go down to the bay. Kira will be here soon."
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